
Welcome to the website for Clutterers Anonymous UK – a 12 step programme where people share their experience, strength and hope to solve their common problem with clutter.

We, clutterers, have found that no amount of willpower can make us stick to a sensible program of organisation for any lasting length of time. In seeking an answer to our problem, we have instinctively realised that our cluttering is only the outward manifestation of our inner emotional problems.

We feel that the Clutterers Anonymousâ„  program, which is patterned after that of Alcoholics Anonymous, has an answer for us. We believe this program works as well for those who have problems with clutter as it does for alcoholics.

Clutterers Anonymous is a spiritual, but not a religious, program. Therefore, we may substitute the words ‘Higher Power’ for the word ‘God’

We ask that you be open-minded and patient. Take what you like and leave the rest. Proceed at your own pace. Recovery means a new way of thinking and this takes time.

Attend meetings, read our literature, take phone numbers of members, and begin using the Twelve Steps and the Tools, and you will find the fuller life that we have experienced.

If you think you have a problem with clutter, you may find the following information helpful:-
Am I a clutterer?
Clutterers’ traits
Cutting through Denial
What is Clutter?